Dr. Ma joined Dr. Cole’s lab in 2004 and focuses on Aß oligomer-regulated signaling defects in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathogenesis, Mechanisms of DHA intervention in AD, Mechanisms of beta-amyloid clearance and Passive immunization therapeutics in AD.
Dr. Ma received a M.D. in 1987 and a M. Sc degree in Neurology in 1996 from Harbin Medical University, as well as a Ph.D in molecular genetics in 1999 from Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences, one of the three best medical universities in China. 

Her Ph.D program training was on the molecular genetics in AD and Parkinson’s disease (PD), such as mutation of Presenilin-1 gene and polymorphisms of apolipoprotein E under the direction of Profs. Liu Zhuolin and Qian Cai Yun.

In 1999, she joined a postdoctoral training program at Dr. Piu Chan’s lab in the Beijing Institute of Geriatrics, Dept Neurology of Xuanwu Hospital, the Capital University of Medical Sciences, where has the biggest AD research center for both clinic and basic research in China. 

Her training was focused on neurobiology, molecular genetics and epidemiology of AD and age-related other neurodegenerative disorders. After two years postdoctoral training, she was offered a tenure associate professor position and a mentor for M.Sc. program at the Dept Neurology of Xuanwu hospital, the Capital University of Medical Sciences in Beijing. Xuanwu Hospital is the leading neurology specialized hospital in China.

In 2000, Dr. Ma was honored STA/JSPS Fellowship by the Science and Technology Agency of Japan. She joined Dr. Kenji Uéda’s lab, Dept Neural Plasiticity, The Tokyo Institute of Psychiatry. Dr. Uéda is an esteemed molecular biologist, cell biologist, neurochemistry and world-renowned expert in the research field of PD and AD, who originally identified and cloned human α-Synuclein gene from AD amyloid plaques. In Japan, Dr. Ma’s training was in molecular biology, cell biology and neurochemistry on the mechanisms of α-Synuclein-related neurodegenerative disorders.
In addition, as a neurologist, Dr. Ma’s clinic interests and used to work on different neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and multiple system atrophy, etc. She directly communicated, examined, treated and followed up 83 patients with AD in detail within nine years. Every name of patients, symptom, behavior, and genotype was deeply treasured up in her memory. 

She believes, with the fast developed knowledge and technology in neuroscience, with the utmost enthusiasm and industrious study, with the wish to improve the living quality of AD patients, we can find a good way to cure AD patients in the near future.

Extracurricular activities: Dr. Ma spends her spare time enjoying music, collecting and watching Hollywood, specific Oscar movies and travel to photo nature views. She also enjoys reading novels.

  1.  Ma Q.L., Wang W.ZH. (1996) The effect of Nimodipine on free radicals with acute cerebral infarcts. Foreign Medical Sciences Section on Cerebrovascular Diseases 4(3):134
  2. Ma Q.L., Wang W.ZH. (1997) The clinical estimation of intravenous urokinase thrombolytic therapy in 41 cases with acute cerebral infarcts. Journal of Brain and Nervous Diseases 5(1): 34-37
  3. Ma Q.L., Qian C.Y., Liu ZH.L. (1997) Presenilin-1 gene: New development of molecular genetics in Alzheimer’s disease. Foreign Medical Sciences Section on Neurology and Neurosurgery 24(5):252-255
  4. Ma Q.L., Qian C.Y., Liu ZH.L. (1998) Amyloid β protein and presenilin: Development of molecular genetics in Alzheimer’s disease. Foreign Medical Sciences Section on Geriatrics 19(3):110-114
  5. Han J., Qian C.Y., Lin H.CH., Ma Q.L. (1999) Tymphocyte subpopulations and activation markers of the patients with Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Brain and Nervous Diseases 7(1):8-9
  6. Ma Q.L., Qian C.Y., Liu ZH.L. Lu X.L. (1999) Analysis on mutation of exon 5 of presenilin-1gene in Alzheimer’s disease. China Medical Tribute 25(21)
  7. 7. Lu X.L., Ma Q.L., Liu ZH.L., Zhang C. (1999) The polymorphism of apolipoprotein E allele with Parkinson’s disease. Chinese Journal of Neurology 32(5):9
  8. Lu X.L., Ma Q.L., Liu ZH.L., Lu X.L. (1999) Studies on the polymorphism of apolipoprotein E allele with Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer disease. Journal of Brain and Nervous Diseases 7(2):68-71
  9. Ma Q.L., Qian C.Y., Liu ZH.L., Lu X.L. (1999) A study on mutation of exon 5 and 11 of presenilin-1 gene in Alzheimer’s disease. Chinese Journal of Neurology 32(1):9
  10. Ma Q.L., Lu X.L., Liu ZH.L. (1999) Polymorphism of Apolipoprotein E Allele with Alzheimer’s disease. Academic Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences 20(2):100-102
  11. Ma Q.L., Qian C.Y, Liu ZH.L, Lu X.L. (1999) A study on new mutation of exon 5 of presenilin-1 gene in Alzheimer’s disease. Chinese Journal Nervous Mental Disease 25(3):142-144
  12. Ma Q.L., Qian C.Y., Liu ZH.L., Lu X.L. (1999) Analysis of mutation of exon 5 of presenilin-1gene in Alzheimer’s disease. Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics 16(6):349-352
  13. Ma Q.L., Chan P.?i1999) Advance Research on Presenilin-1 Gene in Alzheimer's Disease. Medical Technology Imports 5(12):44-47
  14. Ma Q.L., Qian C.Y., Liu ZH.L.(2000) Association of apolipoprotein E genotype and intronic polymerphism of the presenilin-1 gene with Alzheimer’s disease in Chinese. Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics 17 (6):390-394
  15. Ma Q.L., Qian C.Y., Liu ZH.L. (2000) Intronic polymorphism of presenilin-1 gene with Alzheimer’ disease. Chinese Journal of Neurology 33 (5):1-3
  16. Ma Q.L., Chan P (2000) Advance in of molecular genetics of mtDNA mutation in Alzheimer’s disease. Foreign Medical Sciences Section on Neurology and Neurosurgery 27 (3):134-137
  17. Ma Q.L., Chan P., Yang J.F., Dong X.M. (2001) Association between DLST gene polymorphisms and Alzheimer's disease. Chinese Journal of Medicine 81(20): 1246-8
  18. Ma Q.L., Chan P., Shao M., Yang J.F., Dong X.M. (2001) Analyses of the interaction of the polymorphism of NAD (P)H: quinone oxidoreductase gene with apoE gene in Alzheimer disease. Chinese Journal of Neurology 36 (3): 192
  19. Ma Q.L., Chan P., Uéda K. (2003) alpha-Synuclein aggregation and neurodegenerative diseases. J.Alzheimer’s Dis. 5: 139-148
  20. Ma Q.L, Yoshii M and Uéda K (2003) Progress in the etiological studies of Alzheimer’s disease, Diagnosis and Treatment 91: 321-332.
  21. Zou HQ, Chen B, Ma QL, Li X, Yang JF, Feng XL, Dong XM, Li YJ. (2004) New polymorphism (IVS3-20 T-->C) of the parkin gene associated with the early-onset Parkinson's disease in Chinese. Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics. 21(3):219-23.
  22. Alim MA, Ma Q.L, Takeda K, Aizawa T, Matsubara M, Nakamura M, Asada A, Saito T, Kaji H, Yoshii M, Hisanaga S and Uéda K (2004) Demonstration of a role for alpha-synuclein as a functional microtubule-associated protein. J. Alzheimer’s Dis. 6: 435-442.
  23. Zhao F.G, Wang Y.H, Yang J.F, Ma Q.L., Tang Z, Dong X.M, Chan P. (2005). Association between acyl-coenzyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase gene and risk for Alzheimer’s disease in Chinese. Neurosci Lett. 4; 388 (1):17-20.
  24. Greg M Cole; Giselle P. Lim; Fusheng Yang; Bruce Teter; Aynun Begum; Ma Q.L; Marni E. Harris-White; Sally A. Frautschy,.(2005) Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease:Omega-3 Fatty acid and Phenolic Antioxidant Interventions. Neurobiology of Aging. 26 Suppl 1:133-6
  25. Q.L Ma, G.P Lim, E Harris-White., F. Yang, S.S. Ambegaokar, O. J. Ubeda, Glable C.G, B Teter, S.A Frautschy, G.M Cole.(2006) Antibodies against ss-Amyloid Rapidly Neutralize Ab Oligomers and Inhibit GSK-3ss Activation and Tau Phosphorylation in vivo and in vitro. J. Neurosci Res. 83(3):374-84.
  26. L Zhao, Q.L Ma, F Calon., E Harris-White., F. Yang, G.P Lim, T Morihara, O. J. Ubeda, S.S. Ambegaokar, J. E Hansen, R.H Weisbart, B Teter, S.A Frautschy, G.M Cole.(2006) P21-Activated Kinase (PAK) Pathway Defects in Alzheimer's Disease and their Possible Role in Synaptic and Cognitive Deficits. Nature Neurosci. 9(2): 234-42.
  27. Q.L Ma, M. E. Harris-White, O. J. Ubeda, M. Simmons, W. Beech, G.P Lim, B. Teter, S.A Frautschy, G.M Cole. (2007) Evidence of Aβ- and transgene-dependent defects in ERK-CREB signaling in Alzheimer's models. J. Neurochemistry. 103 (4): 1594-1607.
  28. Ma Q.L, B Teter, O. J. Ubeda, T Morihara, D Dhoot, N Michael, L. Tuck, S. A. Frautschy, G. M Cole. (2007) Omega-3 Fatty Acid Docosahexaenoic Acid Increases Sorla/LR11, a Sorting Protein with Reduced Expression in Sporadic Alzheimer Disease (AD): Relevance to AD Prevention. J. Neurosci. 27(52):14299 –14307.
  29. Ma Q.L, F. Yang, O. J. Ubeda, Walter Beech, Frautschy S.A and Cole GM. (2007) p21-Activated Kinase Aberrant Activation and Translocation Contribute to the Cognitive Deficits in Alzheimer’s disease. J. Biological Chemistry (submitted).
  30. Ma Q.L, O. J. Ubeda, Walter Beech, Frautschy S.A and Cole GM. (2007) Sorla/LR11, a Sorting Protein with Reduced Expression in Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease (AD): a Potential Promising Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarker for Sporadic AD. J. Neurology (submitted).
  31. Research Papers-peer reviewed (in preparing)
    31. Ma Q.L., Alim M. A., Hossain M. S., Aizawa T., Arima K., Chan P., Yoshii M. and Uéda K. Molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding a novel protein that interacts with alpha- synuclein. PNAS
    32. Ma Q.L., Aizawa T., Chan P., Yoshii M. and Uéda K. alpha-Synuclein induces neuronal differentiation in PC12 cells. Exp. Neurology
  32. Abstracts
    Ma Q.L., Chan P., Shao M. (2000) Analyses of the interaction of the polymorphism of NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase gene with apoE gene in Alzheimer disease. The Second National Conference on Dementia and Depression and International Symposium on Alzheimer’s Disease. 4-33. Tunxi, China
  33. Ma Q.L., Uéda K., Chan P. (2001) Association between DLST gene polymorphisms and Alzheimer's disease. The 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. SS-71-97, San Diego, USA.
  34. Uéda K., Alim M.A., Ma Q.L., Izumiyama Y, Arima K. (2001) Tubulin acts as a seed for alpha-?synuclein fibril formation: Implications for pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease. The 9th International Catecholamine Symposium and The 5th International Congress on Progress in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases. S29-3. Kyoto, Japan
  35. Ma Q.L, Alim MA, Hossain MS, Aizawa T, Arima K, Chan P, Yoshii M and Uéda K (2002) Molecular cloning of a complimentary DNA encoding a novel protein that interacts with alpha-synuclein. Soc Neurosci Program No. 594.15, 2002 Abstract Viewer, Orlando, Florida [11/05/02]
  36. Ma Q.L., Alim M. A., Hossain M. S., Aizawa T., Arima K., Chan P., Yoshii M. and Uéda K. (2002) Molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding a novel protein that interacts with alpha-Synuclein. The 8th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Diseases and Related Disorders. Stockholm, Sweden [7/23/02]
  37. Ma Q.L, Chan P, and Uéda K (2003) A novel protein interacts with alpha-synuclein. J. Neurochem. 87 [suppl] 105
  38. Uéda K, Alim MA, Ma Q.L, Aizawa T, Yoshii M (2004) Alpha-synuclein is a functional microtubule-associated protein. The 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, Philadelphia, PA [07/22/04]
  39. Ma Q.L, Chan P, and Uéda K (2004) “A novel protein interacts with alpha-synuclein,” International Symposium on Parkinson’s Disease. 68-69. Beijing, China [09/05/04]
  40. Q.L Ma, JF Yang, S Shao, XM Dong, P Chan. Association between NAD(P) H: quinone oxidoreductase and apoe gene polymorphisms in Alzheimer's disease. 9th Annual UCLA Research Conference on Aging. [6/27/04]
  41. Ma Q.L., Chan P. (2004) Association between NAD (P) H: quinone oxidoreductase and apoe gene polymorphisms in Alzheimer's disease. The 34st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, California. [10/23/04]
  42. Uéda K, Alim MA, Ma Q.L, Aizawa T, Hisanaga S, Yoshii M (2004) Alpha-synuclein is a functional microtubule-associated protein. The 34st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, California. [10/24/04]
  43. Fa Guo Zhao, Yin-Hua Wang, Jing-Fang Yang, Qiu-Lan Ma, Zhe Tang, Xiu-Min Dong, Piu Chan. Association between acyl-coenzyme A: cholesterol  acyltransferase gene and risk for
    Alzheimer's disease in Chinese.  Abstract, pp. 101-102. The 3rd Beijing International Symposium on Neurodegenerative Diseases and Stroke (BINS).[9/21/05]
  44. FG Zhao, YY Wang, JF Yang, QL Ma, Z Tang, XM Dong, P Chan
    Risk for sporadic Alzheimer's disease with genetic variations in the promoter of
    ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 gene and its effects on plasma lipids levels in
    Chinese.  Abstract, pp. 100-101. The 3rd Beijing International Symposium on Neurodegenerative Diseases and Stroke (BINS).[9/21/05]
  45. G.M. Cole; L. Zhao; F. Calon; Q.L. Ma; M.E. Harris-White; F. Yang; G.P. Lim; T. Morihara; O.J. Ubeda; S. Ambegaokar; B. Teter; S.A. Frautschy. Role of p21-Activated kinase pathway defects in Alzheimer's disease synaptic and cognitive deficits. Society for Neuroscience 31:2005 The 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Washington. D.C. [11/12/05]
  46. Ma Q.L., Lim G.P., Marni E. Harris-White M.E., Yang F., Ambegaokar S.S., Ubeda O.J. , Beech W., Teter B., Kayed R., Glabe C.G., Frautschy S.A.and Cole G. M. (2005) Antibodies against beta-Amyloid rapidly reduce Abeta ?Oligomers and Inhibit GSK-3beta ??Activation and Tau Phosphorylation in vivo and in vitro. 10th Annual UCLA Research Conference on Aging. [6/22/05]
  47. Ma Q.L., Lim G.P., Marni E. Harris-White M.E., Yang F., Ambegaokar S.S., Ubeda O.J. , Beech W., Teter B., Kayed R., Glabe C.G., Frautschy S.A.and Cole G. M. (2005) Antibodies against beta-Amyloid reduce Abeta ?Oligomers and GSK-3beta ??Activation and Tau Phosphorylation in vivo and in vitro. The 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Washington. D.C. [11/12/05]
    one of about 700 chosen from over 16,000 submissions, is being requested by the Public
    Education and Communication Committee for a Neuroscience 2005 Press Book submission.
  48. Greg M. Cole, Qiu-Lan Ma, Oliver J. Ubeda, Marni E. Harris-White, Fusheng Yang,Giselle P. Lim, Sally A. Frautschy.(2006) P21-Activated Kinase Pathway Defects and Synaptic Function in Alzheimer’s Disease The 10th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, Madrid, Spain.[7/15/2006]
  49. Qiu-Lan Ma, Marni E. Harris-White M.E., Ubeda O.J., Beech W., Yang F., Lim G.P., Frautschy S.A.and Cole G. M. Passive Immunization by beta-Amyloid Antibody Restored ERK/CREB Signaling Cascade in Tg2576 Transgenic Mice: A Possible Mechanism of Immune Therapeutics In Alzheimer’s Disease The 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Atlanta,Georgia. [11/12/06]
  50. Qiu-Lan Ma, Oliver J. Ubeda, Marni E. Harris-White, Fusheng Yang, Giselle P. Lim, Sally A. Frautschy, Greg M Cole. P21-Activated Kinase Pathway Defects and Dendritic Spines in Alzheimer’s Disease. Gordon Research Conference on Dendrites: Molecules, Structure & Function. Four Points Sheraton: Harbortown, Los Angel, CA. [3/18/07]
  51. Greg M. Cole, Qiu-Lan Ma, Fusheng Yang, Giselle P. Lim, Bruce Teter, Aynun Begum, Sally A. Frautschy. DHA, Amyloid, GSK3ß, Trophic Signaling And AD Prevention. International Conference on Prevention of Dementia. The Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.[6/9/07]  
  52. Qiu-Lan Ma, Bruce Teter, T. Morihara, Oliver J. Ubeda, Fusheng Yang, Walter Beech, Sally A. Frautschy, Greg M Cole. Omega-3 Fatty Acid Docosahexaenoic Acid Upregulates Sorla/LR11, a Sorting Protein with Reduced Expression in Sporadic Alzheimer Disease (AD): Potential for AD Prevention. The 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA [11/5/07] one of about 700 chosen from over 16,000 submissions, is being requested by the Public Education and Communication Committee for a Neuroscience 2007 Press Book submission.
  53. Fusheng Yang, Qiu-Lan Ma, Oliver J. Ubeda, Pingping Chen, Walter Beech, Aynun Begum, Sally A. Frautschy, Greg M Cole. Abeta induces a defect in insulin-like signaling that appears mediated via GSK3 and JNK inactivation of IRS-1. The 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA [11/5/07]
  54. Greg M Cole, Qiu-Lan Ma, Fusheng Yang, Bruce Teter, Aynun Begum, Sally A. Frautschy. DHA, Amyloid, GSK3beta, trophic signaling and AD Prevention. The 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA [11/5/07] First, one of about 700 chosen from over 16,000 submissions and further selected from 700 , is being requested by the Public Education and Communication Committee for a Neuroscience 2007 press conference during the annual meeting.