Our work is possible because of hundreds of Alzheimer researchers starting with Dr.Alois Alzheimer (shown on left). See medical history article on Alois Alzheimer's contribution to the field.
Colleagues & Current or past Collaborators :
- Fréderic Calon, PhD , now a professor at Laval University, Quebec, worked with our group from 2003-5, contributing to the discovery that dietary omega-3 fatty acids deficiency exacerbates the disease process.
- Dr. Sun: In 1998-2000, Xiaoyan Sun, PhD, MD contributed to the work of the connection between cell death triggering amyloid secretion
- Lixia Zhao, PhD: Recently Lixia Zhao, Phd contributed to the work on PAK (2004-5) and has recently begun her 1st year of Harvard Medical School.
- Takashi Morihara, MD, PhD a scholar contributing to work on R-fluribiprofen.
- UCLA Collaborations include: Dr. Jeffery Cummings, John Ringman, MD, Karen Gylys, PhD, RN, and Jorge Barrio, Gary Small, Fernando Gómez-Pinilla,
Extramural Current & past research collaborations include
- Charlie Glabe at UC Irvine,
- Karen Hsiao-Ashe at University of Minnesota,
- Mary Jo Ladu at University of Chicago and Gerry Schellenberg at VA Medicial Center and
- Tuck Finch at USC Andrus Gerontology
- Todd Morgan at USC Andrus Gerontology
- TC Saido
- Pam Maher
- Dave Schubert
- Cheryl Rock and Dennis Heath, UCSD on measuring curcumin metabolites.